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Since 2002

Parapluie Communications has been helping our clients to develop engaging media since 2002. We make it happen!

Our job is to develop ideas

Design, writing, and direction are highly-prized skills which we ably provide for you in a very affordable package.

design for print or web, writing, television/video direction, event planning, and more

Our job is to build things

Our production team’s members are chosen because their work consistently displays a deep understanding of craft and dedication.

web and software development, print production, proofreading, animation, tv/video and audio production, media planning and procurement, promotions and promotional items, foreign language translation, and more

Our job is to know your market

We understand the requirement for thorough research, and we take pains to see your market position from many points of view. Then, we work directly with you to help you decide which ideas will best achieve your company's goals.

market strategy, brand capital growth and management, market research and analysis, advertising, market metrics and measuring project success, public relations, and more

Our job is to get things done

Routine jobs and general maintenance… the work that nobody wants to do is the work that pays the bills. Because you have to concentrate on the growth of your company, these things subtract from your focus… and your bottom line. So let Parapluie manage it best — while you save money.

search engine optimization, web site management, print brokering and management, event management, and more

Parapluie logo Parapluie 20-years-serving-you badge

Copy that's not merely content

You want your organization to look good, sound good, and stand out favourably in your field. Copywriters are special people, and Parapluie Communications uses only the best. Our specialists will produce the most effective results and get the idea across to the people who need to hear and understand it.

Front and centre: S.E.O.

Did you know that web-crawlers such as Google constantly change their search policies to adapt to spammers and hackers? Parapluie knows how to get your company to the top of relevant Web searches and we keep up to date on the most recent developments in search engine optimization. When your organization is dependent upon Web Marketing for its success, you need to ensure that it can be seen — front and centre.

Get with the program

Parapluie's web and software developers are always eager to apply their creative skills to solve your business challenges. Whether it be a front-end point-of-sale system, a catalogue builder, or a stats tracker, our programmers are up to the task.

Contact Parapluie

Telephone: 902-455-0745

You can use this form to send us an email: (find this form on our website).

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A message from Yuri

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This form information is repackaged and sent directly to Parapluie as an email. Parapluie does not save any data from this form or email in any online database or shared media. Replies will only be to you and only by email or telephone. They will never be used for unsolicited sales (spam). Parapluie shares your information with absolutely no one.

Regular office hours

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., AST/ADT

Find Parapluie

Parapluie Communications
6344 Vienna Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3L 1S6

For more detail, follow this larger map.

All work presented on this website is the copyright of Parapluie Communications, unless otherwise stated on the site.