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Parapluie sample project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Teens Now Talk (TNT) is a magazine that features content that is created by teens.

This provides an interesting challenge to our designers.

Page designers are used to creating order and harmony, straight lines and rigid, easy-to-read columns.

Teens Now Talk has our designers constantly blowing the mind of the reader with exciting and frenetic design.

Though it's all about breaking the rules, Parapluie presents the teens' work in a professional, published format that they can be proud of.

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Everything is customizable

Does WordPress not do what you want it to do? Does Wix not behave? Parapluie builds and edits code in the very same computing languages that these products were built upon. We can modify or recode anything to make it do what you need it to do — without breaking the rest of the site! We do this every single day. Why shouldn't you get what you want when you pay for it? One size does not fit all.

No smears, blears, or tears — get your printing done right!

Parapluie was originally launched as a print production company in 2002. Since that time we have developed excellent relationships with trusted and talented print providers. Parapluie extends this value to you, allowing you to work with the best printer for the best cost.

Get with the program

Parapluie's web and software developers are always eager to apply their creative skills to solve your business challenges. Whether it be a front-end point-of-sale system, a catalogue builder, or a stats tracker, our programmers are up to the task.

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All work presented on this website is the copyright of Parapluie Communications, unless otherwise stated on the site.