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Parapluie sample project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Teens Now Talk (TNT) is a magazine that features content that is created by teens.

This provides an interesting challenge to our designers.

Page designers are used to creating order and harmony, straight lines and rigid, easy-to-read columns.

Teens Now Talk has our designers constantly blowing the mind of the reader with exciting and frenetic design.

Though it's all about breaking the rules, Parapluie presents the teens' work in a professional, published format that they can be proud of.

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

Sample image of Parapluie project: Teens Now Talk Wild and Professional Print Magazines

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Copy that's not merely content

You want your organization to look good, sound good, and stand out favourably in your field. Copywriters are special people, and Parapluie Communications uses only the best. Our specialists will produce the most effective results and get the idea across to the people who need to hear and understand it.

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