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Parapluie sample project: Henderson Electrical Installations Service and Sales Website

Image of Parapluie project: Henderson Electrical Installations Service and Sales Website

Sales have consistently increased since Parapluie took over the Web site management and marketing for Henderson Electrical.

Parapluie completed a successful re-design of the website and maintains ongoing hosting, support, and marketing systems.

Sample image of Parapluie project: Henderson Electrical Installations Service and Sales Website

Sample image of Parapluie project: Henderson Electrical Installations Service and Sales Website

Get with the program

Parapluie's web and software developers are always eager to apply their creative skills to solve your business challenges. Whether it be a front-end point-of-sale system, a catalogue builder, or a stats tracker, our programmers are up to the task.

Flashing red lights and big warning signs

These are what people see when they find misspellings, improper word usage, and poor grammar in any of your company's documents. You may have the best product in the world, but if your marketing is not professional, then people will not trust you to deliver quality. Parapluie has expert proofreaders to thoroughly check your work for errors and inconsistencies.

Front and centre: S.E.O.

Did you know that web-crawlers such as Google constantly change their search policies to adapt to spammers and hackers? Parapluie knows how to get your company to the top of relevant Web searches and we keep up to date on the most recent developments in search engine optimization. When your organization is dependent upon Web Marketing for its success, you need to ensure that it can be seen — front and centre.

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