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Parapluie sample project: Codex Rare Books Database and Web Interface

Image of Parapluie project: Codex Rare Books Database and Web Interface

Codex Rare Books is a large database of titles, information and images of rare printed books from the 15th through the 20th century, in all fields, languages and places of printing.

Parapluie supports Codex by building automation tools for uploading and hosting double-HD resolution images — visually recording even the very texture of the paper upon which the book is printed.

Parapluie's cohesive design unites the website with the Parapluie-manufactured database construction, curation, and exposition tools, including specialized database search tools.

Sample image of Parapluie project: Codex Rare Books Database and Web Interface

Sample image of Parapluie project: Codex Rare Books Database and Web Interface

Sample image of Parapluie project: Codex Rare Books Database and Web Interface

Always leave a positive impression

The sometimes arcane field of print production is often misunderstood, and is too often left in the hands of individuals who are not experts in the field. This leads to unwanted expenses due to added time and corrections during the printing process. Since reprints are very expensive, we recommend that you use our print production service — in which every print piece has crisp imagery, accurate colours, and is handled by an ink expert. We maintain a craftsperson's commitment to accurate and knowledgeable reproduction of materials in print.

No smears, blears, or tears — get your printing done right!

Parapluie was originally launched as a print production company in 2002. Since that time we have developed excellent relationships with trusted and talented print providers. Parapluie extends this value to you, allowing you to work with the best printer for the best cost.

Everything is customizable

Does WordPress not do what you want it to do? Does Wix not behave? Parapluie builds and edits code in the very same computing languages that these products were built upon. We can modify or recode anything to make it do what you need it to do — without breaking the rest of the site! We do this every single day. Why shouldn't you get what you want when you pay for it? One size does not fit all.

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