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Parapluie sample project: Bell Aliant Telephone Directory Introduction Pages

Image of Parapluie project: Bell Aliant Telephone Directory Introduction Pages

Parapluie provided pre-press production services for Bell Aliant's Telephone Directory Introduction Pages — the first 36 to 72 pages of information presented in every Atlantic Canadian Aliant telephone book.

The project represented annual publication of 37 books of unique, regional content in both of Canada's official national languages.

Parapluie created a system capable of easily handling constant legal and operational changes, a major corporate merger, and multiple changes of DTP software, printing presses, and sheet sizes.

Parapluie improved the product readability, optimized the project workflow, reduced proofing interchanges, and streamlined print pipeline and communications systems to ensure minimal work for the printer with little-or-no chance of error.

Lastly, there was not a single error in the eight year duration of the project.

Sample image of Parapluie project: Bell Aliant Telephone Directory Introduction Pages

Sample image of Parapluie project: Bell Aliant Telephone Directory Introduction Pages

Sample image of Parapluie project: Bell Aliant Telephone Directory Introduction Pages

Sample image of Parapluie project: Bell Aliant Telephone Directory Introduction Pages

Front and centre: S.E.O.

Did you know that web-crawlers such as Google constantly change their search policies to adapt to spammers and hackers? Parapluie knows how to get your company to the top of relevant Web searches and we keep up to date on the most recent developments in search engine optimization. When your organization is dependent upon Web Marketing for its success, you need to ensure that it can be seen — front and centre.

Not-for-profit pricing

Did you know that Parapluie offers special discounted rates for not-for-profit agencies and projects? Call or email (contact info is below) to find out more.

Be one of the converted!

No longer working in Quark? Worried that you can't open your PageMaker 1.0 files? Parapluie now offers complete, accurately proofed file conversions at a flat rate. Whether you need to open a single file from a newer version of software, or you need to update your entire file archive, Parapluie's production department will accurately bring your work back to the future. Call or email us to find out more.

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